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Our Missionaries

Conroy, Dennis and Rhonda (children: Hannah, Daniel, Elizabeth, Abigail)

Dennis has been trained as a desktop publisher with Wycliffe Bible Translators.  The Conroys have completed two term with MTW/WBT in Davao, Philippines where Dennis has typeset New Testaments, a variety of Scripture portions, and has done computer mapping of language data.

McNeill, Don and Fran (children: Anna, Nathan, Seth, Silas)

Having already served as short-term missionaries to Uganda, the McNeills are preparing to return as long-term missionaries.  Don will continue to serve on a team at the Uganda Bible Institute which equips native pastors with the skills to understand and teach the bible more effectively.  Fran will continue to work with both women and children in the areas of Bible study, evangelism and education. (

Ponomarev, Alex and Irena (children: Marina, Mila)

the Ponomarev's Ministry of Outreach to Slavic Tribes involves work in both the United States and Russia.  Here in the states, the Ponomarevs evangelize and teach English to Russian-speaking immigrants in Columbia, South Carolina.  They train missionaries preparing to go to Russia in both Russian culture and language.  They also travel to Russia and Ukraine to take part in church planting, theological training, translating Christian literature and support work.

Wood, Kenton and Adriana (children:Jennifer,John, James, Jessica)

The Woods are laboring in Guadalajara, Mexico.  Their vision is to impact this city of 6,000,000 by establishing a large church that would spawn other churches throughout the region.  They are also involved in training local church leaders with the goal of someday turning over the congregation to their care.

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